Useful pain-related links

mindful distraction pdf download

You can download a single-page A4 pdf file of the Focused Breathing, Mindful Distraction technique here.  This is a useful (and fun) technique that will help in procedural pain.  It is also very useful for getting off to sleep when the mind is busy. 

Phd download: dr bernie whitaker

The effects of distraction, relaxation and guided imagery on procedural fear and pain in children. Whitaker, B.H. (2002).  Thesis available for download via this link:

International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP) 

You will find the official IASP website at

If you are interested in advancing the management of pain then a good place to start is with the IASP.  This is a truly multidisciplinary group of individuals from all over the world.  Check out the IASP website for more information.

Many countries have a Pain Society, which is also their National Chapter of the IASP.  If you are interested in joining the Pain Society in your country you will find more information on the IASP website at

Special Interest Groups (SIGs)

There are currently 20 IASP SIGs on many varied aspects of pain research and management. The first SIG to be formed was the Pain in Childhood group.  If you have a special interest in managing pain in infants, children or adolescents then join the IASP and the Pain in Childhood group today.  Everything you need to know about the SIG and joining can be found here:

You will find the official Pain in Childhood SIG website at

If you are struggling with a dinosaur or two on improving the management of pain in children, why not start with the Position Statement of the Pain in Childhood SIG of the IASP?  You will find it on the homepage at together with this download Why Children's Pain Matters

pediatric pain mailing list

Details on how to join (and contribute to) the long-standing Pediatric-Pain mailing list a discussion forum on pain in infants, children and adolescents from Dalhouse University can be found at  

everybody stay calm

Dr Angela Mackenzie is a paediatrician in Melbourne, Australia who is passionate about improving the management of pain in infants, children and adolescents and especially involving and empowering parents.  You can find out more about Angela's work, her excellent book and great links to free resources at her website:


From their website: "NAHPS is a charity which promotes the physical and mental well being of children and young people who are patients in hospital, hospice or receiving medical care at home".

You can find out much more on the work and role of Play Specialists on the NAHPS website at

CAPCH Acute Procedural Pain: Paediatric Recommendations and Implementation Toolkits

To download a fantastic up-to-date, practical and educative resource on on procedural pain management from policy to procedure, distraction to pharmacology and much more go to the Canadian Association of Pediatric Health Centers (CAPHC) website at

The ledoux lab and fear

Dr Joseph LeDoux is 'The Source' when it comes to the neurophysiology of fear and the amygdala. Check out his website at with your Paediatric Pain glasses on for stunning insights into the fear around procedural pain.  His book, 'The Emotional Brain' is possibly the most relevant and yet easy-to-read text to understand the neurophysiology of fear.